RAPID PROGRESS proudly announces its valuable strategic partnership with one of the largest military production companies in Bulgaria – Dunarit AD. The company has been recognized by international companies as an enterprise with traditions that has retained the experience of generations in the design, production and trade of military and machine-building products. Along with the commencement of civilian production – equipment for dental laboratories, rail maintenance, machine repairs, automotive equipment for the Propane Bhutan gas station, plastic parts and tooling, the company started a policy of modernization and improvement of its production processes. That is why the management of the company turned to RAPID PROGRESS – a reliable partner in introducing new technologies. Dunarit AD took the strategic decision to invest in ESPRIT CAM and SOLIDWORKS – a proven complete combination for a closed production cycle, delivering efficiency from the conceptual birth of the product to its materialization and marketing. The added strength and flexibility of the two products will strengthen Dunarit’s position in international markets and open up new business opportunities for the company.