Rapid Progress Ltd proudly presented the functionalities of the company’s newly developed applications for ESPRIT CAM System under the brand name of CAD/CAM Expert Apps, in front of an Indian audience. The company hosted a webinar for the team of ESPRIT India and 7 of the local resellers.
During the presentation were shown tools that greatly extend ESPRIT platform and in the same time add value to the full package.

Part-Cost-Price AddIn
Part-Cost-Price AddIn is a Cost Estimating Software for calculating the production price of a machined part and generating a quote or a full report. The software is based on the pricing method, which determines the price based on full-costs plus pricing. This method eliminates losses by allowing appropriate steps to be taken in the whole pricing process.
Key points of this tool are:
- Automatic Volume and Weight Calculation of Part and Stock
- Material Manager and Price
- Machine Manager and Price
- Fixture Manager and Price
- Labor Manager and Price
- Tool Life Calculation
- Tool Report and Price
- Operation Report and Price
- Multicurrency
- Direct Link to ESPRIT Tool and F&S Manager
- And others
The audience was surprised to see the ease of work with the tools and their functionalities that give new possibilities in ESPRIT CAM System. The resellers saw an opportunity to include CAD/CAM Expert Apps in their offers in order to give advantage of the whole ESPRIT package in front of competitive products.
The feedback of the webinar was very positive and some of the reactions of the audience were that “It was very useful and every shop floor need this solution”, “it is really good product to sell”, “Great features”!
Stay Tuned
Rapid Progress Ltd will kindly answer any questions regarding CAD/CAM Expert Apps at: